Farr Point is set in late 1950's, small-town America, which may feel foreign to many readers today, but the description of everyday places and events is detailed enough to create a sense of familiarity without causing the narration to feel false or overly expository. The nostalgic tone is believable, without feeling saccharine sweet or naïve, and sounds almost biographical at times.
Eddie's development from naïve teenager to young adult is clearly demonstrated through his changing relationships with a cast of fascinating characters including his mother, best friends and girlfriend, temptress landlady and her African-American handyman, and many others who are minor but memorable. Havens, a writer and retired professor of drama, has demonstrated his measurable knowledge and skill in producing a novel that is both exciting and emotionally engaging and should appeal to most readers.
Title: Farr Point
Author: Sam Havens
Style: Coming of Age/ Crime
Price: $0.99
Date of publication: January 2011
Can be found at:
Amazon (Kindle)
Title: Farr Point
Author: Sam Havens
Style: Coming of Age/ Crime
Price: $0.99
Date of publication: January 2011
Can be found at:
Amazon (Kindle)
Thanks to Sam Havens for sending me this novel for review, I am always happy to accept works from authors for review. These reviews are conducted following the guidelines on the policy page.